Advocate - Roller Derby Queens
Bookslut - 12/10
Book Soup Blog - Roller Derby Trilogy
Boomer Alley Radio - 11/6/2010
Club Free Time - 9/23/2010
Culture Mob - 9/4/2010
Curve Magazine - 9/2010
KGO - David Lazaurs - 8/28/2010
KPCC's Patt Morrison Show - 7/23/2010
KNPR's State of Nevada -7/26/2010
KUOW's The Conversation - 8/27/2010
KQED's The California Report - 8/27/2010
KQED's The Writers' Block - 9/29/2010
KTLA - Allie MacKay Get's Down and Derby - 11/29/2010
LA Magazine - The Reading List August, 2010
LA Magazine - Alex Cohen's LA to Z Guide 9/7/2010
Los Angeles Times - Alex
Cohen is ready to jam, block and report
Los Angeles Times - Jacket
Copy: The Derby Dolls at Skylight Books
Ms. Magazine -
Gets Down and (Roller) Derby with L.A. Dolls - 7/30/10
National Public Radio - NPR's
Frank Deford on Roller Derby (mentions Down and Derby)
National Public Radio - Morning Edition - These Roller Skating Women
get Down and Derby 8/31/2010
The Nervous Breakdown - 8/30/2010
Oprah Winfrey Show - Step Out of Your Box
SF Weekly - 8/25/2010
Skylight Books Author Reading Series - Alex Cohen and Jenny Barbee
Three Imaginary Girls - 8/27/2010
Time Out NY - Great Dates in NYC - 9/23/2010
Too Beautiful to Live with Luke Burbank - 8/26/2010
Vanity Fair - Hot Type
Venus Zine - Got Derby? Two Skaters Provide a Comprehensive Look into
the Sport
Wall Street Journal - Roller Derby Stars in Drew Barrymore's Whip It
WNYC - Leonard Lopate Show - 9/24-2010